Custom Work

Custom work. Not a phrase tossed about in the patio industry with any regularity. A goodly portion of the products look pretty much the same, other than some color variations from one line of offerings to another. Solid (flat pan,) open lattice and insulated roof panels are the norm for patio covers. New products like the Equinox Louvered cover have been a breath of fresh air, but their form also follows function… It is a patio cover, after all.
The same holds true on the patio enclosure / sunroom side of the house… It’s a room in your house, right? Two or three walls and a roof. What can you do except paint it?

This is where the company with whom you choose to work can make all the difference. We get lots of customers who come in and want… “Something different ” or “Not just a square” and “Maybe just a little nicer look.” We can do that.
Combining patio cover types can improve both the look and usefulness of your project. Half solid and half lattice can give protection from the elements and cooling shade while still allowing extra light where you want it, as well as eliminating the “cookie- cutter” look of all one type. Raising or lowering one, or several, sections can dramatically change the appearance without changing the intended function at all. One of our most popular combinations is a center section of Equinox combined with flat pan sections at each end. Full coverage, open and close versatility where you need it… and a much lower cost than a full Equinox cover.
We have really enjoyed applying our design skills to our sunroom products, as well. Interesting layouts, angled walls, multiple entrances and even a central open atrium space. Engineering and imagination, combined with years of experience, allow us to take the homeowner’s ideas and turn them into reality at significant savings over a room addition.
Custom work. You won’t hear it much in the industry, but you will hear it here at Rooms, Covers ’N Solar. Give us a call and tell us what you have in mind…