Screenrooms move West

Screenrooms and screened-in porches abound in the South and on the East Coast. They are a natural addition due to the high levels of humidity and small flying insects that proliferate there. How else was one supposed to enjoy the benefits of their outdoor space without getting eaten alive? If you fully glassed in the area you saved the view and kept the bugs out, but the heat levels could rise dramatically. The simple screen solution was inexpensive, functional, and if done well, attractive. One could enjoy their view and breezes bug free.
Well, great ideas have a way of moving around. We are seeing a very large uptick in the number of screenrooms we are constructing for our customers here in California. Some areas are getting more crowded, raising the humidity and bringing in those unwelcome flying pests, and the screenroom structure is really catching on as an affordable solution.
Screenroom construction is a great deal more flexible than glass sunrooms, if you’ll pardon the obvious pun. Screen panel sizes are readily customizable compared to stock window sizes; each job is essentially custom work without the cost. So, if you have a somewhat oddly-shaped patio area, a screenroom could be a much better fit. There are a myriad of different types of screen available… heavy duty pet screen and dark solar screen are two of the most popular choices. The manufactures that we work with will even allow us to deliver a particular type of screen and build it into the project.
Cost of home improvement is always an issue, of course. The choice of a screen room shines here as well. A significant portion of the cost of a sunroom is in the glass, a cost obviously replaced here with screen. You can either build a much larger structure for the same price, or save quite a bit of money on your planned size.
Let’s review… One, enjoy the view and the breeze. Two, have available a more unconstrained design and building process. Three, save a few bucks. Sounds like a great plan. Let’s do it!